VirtuaWin v4.0 beta2 made available

Test version 4.0 beta2 is now available for download, please read this first:

This version is fully compatible with v4.0 beta1.

As with 4.0 beta1, this version should correctly read virtuawin.cfg file of v3.2 and earlier releases but will generate a virtuawin.cfg file which will not be correctly read by these earlier versions.

Please backup your virtuawin.cfg file so you can roll back to an earlier release.

This version does not load your existing tricky.cfg, sticky.cfg, assignment.cfg or userlist.cfg as these files and concepts have been merged into one – Window Types stored in the new window.cfg file. You will need to recreate these configurations using the new Window Type setup dialog.

This version has:

* 1886979 Fixed flag problem which left windows being ‘sticky’.
* 1887127 Automatically change window-list menu to compact.
* 1843056 WinList: Removed error dialog if taskbar not found.
* Also see change log for 4.0 beta1

See HISTORY.TXT for a full list of changes and our main support page ( for more information on test versions.