Monthly Archives: June 2008

VirtuaWin v4.1 beta1 made available

This version has:

* 1869917 Added new dynamic taskbar order feature to support Taskbar shuffle.
* Added dynamic taskbar button removal option as a better fix to long standing issue.
* 1979116 Re-implement taskbar activation option to be a window rule option.
* 1964565 Added crash handler and reimplemented showHelp to avoid rare crash
* 1967494 Close spawned module process handles.
* 1919024 Implemented NAV: Return to last desktop hotkey command.
* 1933182 Improved SetForegroundWindow so focus can be given back to desktop.
* 1930005 Force redraw of activated window hidden using toolwin flag.
* 1953231 Fixed handling of close message so it does exit VW if requested.
* 1950577 Made process name string comparisons case insensitive.
* 1956478 Added portable unicode package creation

See HISTORY.TXT for a full list of changes and our main support page ( for more information on test versions.