Author Archives: Johan

VirtuaWin 4.1 Released!

September 14, 2009 (Mon)

The VirtuaWin team is pleased to announce the release of v4.1 of VirtuaWin – virtual desktop manager for Windows.
Download VirtuaWin 4.1
Download VirtuaWin 4.1 (with Unicode support)
Download VirtuaWin 4.1 (portable version)
Download VirtuaWin 4.1 (portable version with Unicode support)
A complete list of changes are available on the download page as well as in the HISTORY.TXT file that accompanies the install. The complete source code for the 4.1 release is available here: VirtuaWin 4.1 source code.

After you’ve installed 4.1 come visit us on the VirtuaWin forum!

VirtuaWin v4.1 beta2 made available

This version has:

* 1842145 Implemented global system hook to detect window activations – new config expert setting.
* 1971856 Added option to open menus at fix locations when hotkey is used and improved the location of the dialog – central in the primary monitor.
* 1983857 Added copyright confirmation notice to icon submission.
* 1942881 Fixed Z-Order of windows assigned immediately to another desktop.
* 2036553 2036555 Implemented system tray icon toggle and exit hotkey commands.
* 2089761 Increased the maximum number of hotkeys to 80.

See HISTORY.TXT for a full list of changes and our main support page ( for more information on test versions.

VirtuaWin v4.1 beta1 made available

This version has:

* 1869917 Added new dynamic taskbar order feature to support Taskbar shuffle.
* Added dynamic taskbar button removal option as a better fix to long standing issue.
* 1979116 Re-implement taskbar activation option to be a window rule option.
* 1964565 Added crash handler and reimplemented showHelp to avoid rare crash
* 1967494 Close spawned module process handles.
* 1919024 Implemented NAV: Return to last desktop hotkey command.
* 1933182 Improved SetForegroundWindow so focus can be given back to desktop.
* 1930005 Force redraw of activated window hidden using toolwin flag.
* 1953231 Fixed handling of close message so it does exit VW if requested.
* 1950577 Made process name string comparisons case insensitive.
* 1956478 Added portable unicode package creation

See HISTORY.TXT for a full list of changes and our main support page ( for more information on test versions.

VirtuaWin 4.0.1 Released!

The VirtuaWin team is pleased to announce the release of v4.0.1 of VirtuaWin – virtual desktop manager for Windows.

Download VirtuaWin 4.0.1

Download VirtuaWin 4.0.1 (with Unicode support)

Download VirtuaWin 4.0.1 (portable version)

A complete list of changes are available on the download page as well as in the HISTORY.TXT file that accompanies the install. The complete source code for the 4.0.1 release is available here: VirtuaWin 4.0.1 source code.

After you’ve installed 4.0.1 come visit us on the VirtuaWin forum!

VirtuaWin v4.0.1 beta1 made available

This should be the only beta release of v4.0.1, can all users who raised issues with v4.0 please verify that it has been resolved in v4.0.1.

Also, can all users of this beta version please check that the on-line ehelp works on their system (help has been changed to new chm MS Html help based file).

New to this release is a portable version; simply download, unzip and run (and yes it really is less than 95Kb).

This version has:

* 1924256 Moved the on-line help over to MS HTML help (chm).
* 1938548 Fixed systray icon tooltip when VW is disabled.
* 1936226 Up-dated Setup About copyright to 2008
* 1926893 Fixed ignore activation event flashing all linked windows.
* 1930012 Fixed hidden explorer activation issue.
* 1928095 Added WM_CLOSE message handler prompting user if they want VW to exit
* 1926902 Fixed link window logic bug in window list menu.
* 1923412 Added hotkeys for moving windows Left right up down and added enable toggle hotkey command.
* 1917996 Fixed hiding of FeedReader when maximized
* 1915723 Documented retirement of VW_WINLIST module message
* 1919023 Changed compact window list column cycling so all columns can be accessed
* 1921289 Changed the location of hidden VW window to avoid problem with Multimon
* 1926160 Stored flag for forced unmanaged windows and made its children unmanaged.
* 1926899 Added new VW_WINMANAGE module message to allow modules to force VW to (not) manage a window

See HISTORY.TXT for a full list of changes and our main support page ( for more information on test versions.